Samantha's Movie Pick: Silver Linings Playbook

Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper star. 

While Silver Linings Playbook may be a romantic comedy, it is anything but typical of the genre. Starring Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, and Robert De Niro, it is easily one of the best and most enjoyable films of the year. The movie deals with serious themes: Cooper suffers from a bipolar disorder and has a difficult time dealing with his wife's infidelity, and Lawrence is a recovering sex-addict. Despite their issues (and their age difference), Cooper and Lawrence have a definite spark. The evolution of their relationship will warm your heart, and will also have you laughing out loud. De Niro is also absolutely hilarious is Cooper's father, who is an obsessive-compulsive fan of the Philadelphia Eagles.

Silver Linings is already getting Oscar buzz; be sure to check it out soon.

Samantha's Dating Tip: Romance in a Blackout

Are you stuck in your New York apartment without power thanks to Hurricane Sandy? Don't despair. It may be dark and cold, and your iPad may have run out of juice, but, nonetheless, a blackout can be really fun and romantic if you have the right outlook about it. 

Lower Manhattan is dark. 
First of all, have you noticed how everyone looks especially good in candlelight? It's true, and that can boost your confidence (and your physical attraction to your partner). Also, without the distraction of electronic devices, you're going to have to make your own fun. Play a board game or a card game with your beau (strip poker, anyone?) and you'll revel in a new way to enjoy each others' company. Furthermore, when it's dark and freezing, sometimes the only thing to do is the cuddle up under a blanket and open a bottle of wine. Now that's romantic. 

If you don't already have someone with whom to snuggle up, why not find a local bar or restaurant that is still open and operating with gas stoves and candles? It seems that the hurricane has instilled a sense of camaraderie amongst New Yorkers so you'll have a common bond with anyone you meet. It's never been this easy to strike up a conversation with someone new!

Samantha's Sizzling Couple: Secret Wedding

Blake and Ryan tied the knot!
Did you hear the news? After a super secret wedding this past weekend in South Carolina, Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds are officially hitched. It was clear that this gorgeous couple was getting serious after they purchased a home together last spring in Bedford, New York. However, the wedding caught everyone off-guard! How they managed to keep it such a tight secret is a mystery to me.

It's been nearly a year since they started dating... Do you think this marriage will last?

How To Tell If Your Summer Fling Is The Real Thing

Summer is a prime time to fall in love. The days are long and the nights are warm. Your bronzed skin and beachy hair make you feel especially sexy. And, wearing skimpy clothing is perfectly dignified and socially acceptable. It’s no wonder that romance seems to particularly spark in this season. 

Is your summer fling meant to last?
However, not all summer loves are meant to last. Here are some tips to help you decipher if your relationship is built to endure through the fall and beyond, or if you should fling your beau to the curb on Labor Day.

It might be just a fling if: 
  • You find yourself looking forward to your return to “real-life”
  • You don't know his middle name, or other basic information about him
  •  You can’t picture him without his tan and surfboard
It might be the real thing if:
  • You have met his buddies, or better yet, his family
  • You spend time together doing normal things, like cooking dinner or watching a movie on the couch
  • You are already planning a couples Halloween costume 
So what are you going to do with your summer love?

Summer Nights At The Movies

Enjoy a romantic movie with your loved one
The best and most romantic way to see a movie is under the stars, cuddled up on a blanket, with your date. And lucky for you, between June and August, Bryant Park shows classic films, out on the grass. You can see some of your all time favorite movies, like The Wizard of Oz, and Roman Holiday, here this summer. Also, on Wednesdays in July, the Hudson River Piers hosts Riverflicks 2012  where you can watch a free movie while seeing a lit up view of the river. And don’t forget the Central Park Film Festival runs for a week in August showing movies in Rumsey Playfield. Grab a blanket and enjoy the movies!

A Summer Dating Thought: A Romantic Picnic

Lovely summer picnic
The best dates are those where you  are really connecting with someone when you aren’t really doing anything and just spending time together.  Take a picnic, for example, you can sit in a pretty park with no other distractions and really get to know each other better. The best thing about a picnic is that it is just the two of you on your picnic blanket with food and drinks to share and no pesky waiter to interrupt your tranquility. 
Sunny day in Hudson River Park

If you don’t feel like cooking, Perfect Picnic NYC is a great alternative.. This company offers you the choice of  European and American style picnics, to be delivered to wherever you are having your picnic (a park, apartment or on a rooftop). And for location choices, don’t discount Central Park because you have been there so many times, it is still one of the most romantic places in the city with all it nooks and crannies for private little interludes. Hudson Park along the Hudson River spans for miles and beautiful this time a year. Go ahead and grab a blanket!

Love On TV: Love In The Wild

If you are looking for a guilty pleasure this summer, go ahead and check out Love in the Wild . It is part Survivor, part Bachelor Pad and part Amazing Race with sexy host, Jenny McCarthy. It's not surprising that romance brews and hormones rage when these sexy singles as out in the Wild (check out the fitness trainer and the yoga instructor.) Good watercooler conversation...

How to prepare for Summer Dating: Flirty Dresses

Summer is just around the corner, so it's time to get cracking to prepare to get back out there to date. This means go purchase some flirty feminine bright colored dresses, go update those highlights in your hair and dust off those wedges. Even if you are not a dress girl, you can become one during the summertime. And keep in mind that men LOVE color, so grab a purple, green or yellow dress. If you are hung up on wearing black, pick a floral print dress with black and some other colors. Believe me, more men will notice you!

Spring Style Pick: Bright Colored Wedges

Stylish Dolce Vita Wedges 
Not only are wedges very comfortable, they are also very stylish and totally in season for spring and summer. They are the perfect shoes for Spring, because they can be worn with jeans, skirts and shorts, so even if the sun isn’t shining, you can still wear them. Also, a peep-toe style, gives you the perfect excuse to start getting ready for the warm weather and get a pedicure. 

Bright colored wedges are fun, and will stand out, whatever you’re wearing. Black and nude styles are perfect for the office, and they will match almost anything. And guys are very attracted to women who seem tall but who are also wearing sexy shoes. Coming into stores in a variety of styles you can guarantee you’ll get a pair to match almost any outfit. Dolce Vita have a great selection of bright, stylish and practical pairs. Go grab a pair of wedges, and walk comfortably into summer!

An Interview With I-ELLA

The holiday of love is behind us, and if you didn't have a Valentine's this time around maybe this article will help! Matchmaker Samantha Daniels knows a lot about what it takes to find the perfect person for you (she’s helped 126 couples get married), and fashion has a lot to do with it! Check out what Samantha – also the author ofMatchbook: The Dairy of a Modern-Day Matchmaker and co-creator of the former TV series “Miss Match” – has to say about the secret to looking great and feeling great on your first date. 

I-ELLA: Tell us a little about your background and how you got into the matchmaking business:
Samantha:  I was a divorce attorney, and on the side, I was throwing parties for my single friends. Because I wanted to be a good hostess, at the parties, I would always introduce people to each other so that they would know each other and they would have more fun. And so, I found that I had a photographic memory for names and faces and I could remember that she was from Chicago and he was from Chicago and they both liked to play tennis, so I would bring them to meet each other just to be a good hostess. 

I-ELLA: What’s the secret to connecting? What’s the essence of it?
Samantha: What I do is I listen to people. I kind of get a sense of their energy, what they enjoy, what they don’t enjoy, what their life is like, and then I pick people for them that have sort of that same outlook, that same energy, who I really see clicking. It’s about laughing at the same jokes, finding the same things to be annoying, continually having that unspoken language between the two people. 

I-ELLA: How does fashion relate to what you do as a matchmaker?
Samantha: I think that when you’re dating, you really only get one chance to make a good first impression, so it’s really important what you’re wearing and, most importantly, that you feel good in what you’re wearing. Because if you don’t feel good in what you’re wearing, then even though it might be the trendiest, most fashionable thing, you’re there spending so much time wondering, “How do I look? Does it fit me? Do I look good? Does it work for me?” and you’re not really putting your best foot forward. So when I give fashion advice for people when they’re going out on dates, we talk about trends and what’s in and what’s hip, but at the same time we talk about what works for them and what they feel really comfortable and confident in, because that’s going to make them be the most flirtacious and the most beautiful to the guy.

I-ELLA: What kind of fashion advice, if any, do you give to your clients when they go on dates? Are there first-date fashion rules that ladies should follow?
Samantha: First of all,
you should always have that go-to outfit in your closet that you know you look really good in and that you’re comfortable in, because that way, if you’re having one of those days and you don’t know what to put on, you have that to grab and you know you can put it on and you look good. At the same time, you want to pick something that’s sexy, that you feel sexy in, but that’s not too over the top. 

I-ELLA: What are a few of your first date outfit picks?
Samantha: I like a woman to dress in a feminine way. I think she should wear color. So many men tell me that they’re not attracted to women who wear black, and a lot of women feel like they should wear black because they look good in it and it’s simple and it’s classic. But I can’t tell you how many men say, “I’m not attracted to women in black. They look like they’re going to a funeral.” Men a lot of times think women look older when they’re wearing black, so the advice that I give is always a color, pick a color in the rainbow. As we all know, loving fashion, there are all different shades of colors – fall, winter, spring, summer – so you need to pick colors that work for you, but I think that people look different when they’re wearing colors and it makes them pop and it makes them seem happier and brighter.

I-ELLA: How would you define your personal style?
Samantha: I’m very into ‘60s and ‘70s vintage clothing and handbags.  I have a very extensive handbag collection of ‘60s and ‘70s designer bags and whimsical fun bags. So a lot of times I’m looking to my handbags first, and then building clothing around that. I think that my style is a combination of ‘60s conservative with a little L.A. funkiness. I bring together a lot of different pieces, so I’ll go and find a great vintage coat and then I’ll have a vintage handbag, but then I’ll buy a modern pair of shoes or a great piece of jewelry and I mix it all together. I think my style is very eclectic, but I’m always picking things that I think look good on me and that are very unique. That’s why I really like the stuff that’s on I-ELLA because everything is one-of-a-kind.  

I-ELLA: Are there any designers or celebrities you look to for fashion advice or inspiration?
Samantha: I look to the fashion of the past. I don’t really look at any current designers right now because I like to be very unique. However, I love vintage Roberta DiCamerino and vintage Carlos Falchi handbags. I also love Courreges and Pauline Trigere vintage coats and clothing.

I-ELLA: How often do you edit your closet? Do you have any tips for our members?
Samantha: If there’s something that just doesn’t work for you anymore, then you have to get rid of it. However, we all go through cycles. We like it one day and we hate it the next. That's why it is always important to keep those classic pieces, because you never know when they will come back in style!

I-ELLA: What are your three rules to live by?
Samantha: You have to be willing to take risks. As an entrepreneur, I’ve learned that you have to go for what you want to go for, and even if there are naysayers around you – which there always are – if you feel passionate about something, then you have to go for it because that’s how you get what you want. 

You always have to be ready to take apples and make apple sauce. If you have a problem while you’re working, you can’t give up. You just have to spin it another way and just take the apples and make a different kind of sauce.

Be confident in yourself. A lot of times, people aren’t sure about what they’re trying to do and it’s easier to take the straight and narrow path as opposed to taking this convoluted, unusual path. But there’s so many rewards when you create something that someone else didn’t create.

I-ELLA: Any final dating or fashion advice?
Samantha: In order to start dating, you have to feel good about yourself. A lot of times, fashion helps women feel good about themselves. Pick out items that really enhance who you are as a person so that when you go out dating, you can put your best foot forward. 

Grew up in Philly and lived in L.A. for 4 years, has helped 126 couples get married (and buys herself a handbag every time a couple gets together!), also has a book out (Matchbook: The Diary of a Modern-Day Matchmaker), make fashion your friend!; also created a TV show (“Miss Match)

If you want more information on Samantha Daniels and her matchmaking service visit her website


Valentine's Day Gifts: A Guide To Last-Minute Presents Sure to Impress

by Samantha Daniels
(republished from the Huffington Post)

Tomorrow is the big day, and if you are still scrambling to find a gift for your sweetie, don't despair. I am a professional matchmaker and here are a few last-minute gift ideas that will bring a smile to your partner's face:
Unique Flower vase from Art Style Innovation
- Flowers in a cool vase. It may seem like the obvious choice, but if you put them in a great, unusual and interesting vase, then your gal with think you took that extra step. When you purchase the flowers, do NOT get them at the supermarket or the corner bodega; they always look cheap and she can always tell. Additionally, if you want to go with roses, don't do red roses -- that's too easy -- go with a peach or pink rose or forget the roses altogether and go with her favorite flower if you know it and then put them into an Art Deco Vase like the one at Art Style Innovation.

Amanda Sterett Savannah Choker
- Jewelry. You don't have to break your piggybank to give her a bauble. Go ahead and pick a wonderful costume piece but just make sure, SHE, not your mom, your sister or your ex, will actually like it. If she is a statement gal, go with a necklace like the ones from Snook N Company. (No not the gal from Jersey Shore). If she is more classic with a whimsical side, go for a necklace like from Amanda Sterett.

- A unique Wine. Wine is a great unisex gift if your honey enjoys it. Neither you nor your partner need to be a connoisseur to give wine as a gift. Try a bottle of Prosecco or an Iced Wine. These are both a little fun, different and something you can share together.

Lazy Susan Wine Spinner from Sashi Dekor

- Spending a little extra. If your sweetie does enjoy wine or just interesting home decor, why not get him or her something like a Wine spinner. This is the height of home decor and it acts as Lazy Susan for drinking. You put it on your coffee table and you can put your bottle, your wineglasses, even your coasters on it and it can stay out as a design element in your home to boot.

Toscano Ethanol Indoor Fireplace
- Go uniquely romantic. If you have given candles in the past and you are looking for something that sets the mood, one of a kind and just cool, go with an indoor fireplace. They come in all shapes and sizes, you add some ethanol and poof, you have a fireplace right in your home. Gorg, fun and romantic all at once. Or you can choose a fabulous whimsical serving tray with Q-tips or spoons inside it; it's one of a kind, a conversation piece and it's uniqueness makes it, oh, so romantic.

Zoku Pop Maker

- Something fun. Valentine's Day gifts don't always have to be serious or "grown-up." Get your honey something like a Zoku Duo ice popsicle maker or go pick and purchase his and her bikes. Things like this are things you can do together

- A mix CD or file for her iTunes. If you want to show her that you are taking the time to do something special, go old school and mix a group of songs for her. Make sure they are uniquely to her taste, even if you are gagging as you mix it; it's for her. If you are making it for him, don't use the mix to send cryptic messages to him about your relationship, make one he would really enjoy. 

- A spa day or afternoon. There are so many spas out there that offer both female and male services. Go ahead and get a gift certificate to an interesting one and send your significant other in for a treatment. And to make this gift even more special, don't just hand him or her an envelope with the certificate, make the extra effort and buy some massage oil or a facial or body products, put it in a box, wrap it and then attach the certificate; this way they get two gifts in one.

- The right card. Cards are tough. It's important that you choose the proper one and then, you MUST write SOMETHING inside it. If this is a new relationship, definitely go funny -- choose one of those shoebox greeting cards and sign your name. Don't make it raunchy and funny is better than the generic "Happy Valentine's Day." If you have been dating for awhile and are exclusive, you need to show up with more than one card, one can still be funny, but the other needs some sentiment. Be careful about how lovey-dovey it is, you don't want to give the wrong message but you need to say something. And if you are married or with this person for the long haul, you probably already know the kind of card he or she wants, so step up and get it.

Hammacher Schlemmer Negative Converter

- A gadget. Men tend to prefer gadgets more than women, but these days, there are a great deal of gadgets out there for women, too. For a man who is also a photo or gadget junkie or for a woman who is very sentimental, pick out something like a negative to digital photo converter . Or you can get him or her something like a personalized iPhone or Blackberry holder.

No matter what you choose, spend time thinking about the person for whom you are buying the gift, what they like and don't like and then spend the time putting some extra touches like having it wrapped, putting it in a special bag and/or giving it to her in a candlelit room. The key is to make it feel special and thoughtful and then you can't go wrong.

Samantha Daniels is a well known professional matchmaker, President of Samantha's Table Matchmaking and the author of "Matchbook: The Diary of a Modern Day Matchmaker" (Simon & Schuster). You can read more from Samantha on her personal blog, Matchmaker in the Know. Follow Samantha Daniels on Twitter @Matchmakersd.
Follow Samantha Daniels on Twitter:

Planning A Romantic Valentine's Day Getaway

Valentine's Day is a great time to take a romantic getaway with your special someone. Love is the air and Valentine's Day happens to fall near a long holiday weekend. However, if you are going to plan that special weekend, you need to make sure it is really spot on.

I am a Professional Matchmaker and here are some tips for making your romantic weekend away perfect.

Location, Location, Location

You need to pick a place that is easy to get to without a lot of complications since it is only a weekend getaway. An island is great as long as there is a direct flight to get there or Florida is always a great old standby.

Great Weather

The key to a great trip is going to be the great weather. After all, if you take the time to go away, you want to be able to tke advantage of all the activities that are offered. Some people might say, that rainy day activities like breakfast, lunch and dinner in bed can rise up to true romance, but you can always do that at home.Pick a place like Mexico, Turks and Caicos or St. Barts where you have a higher guarantee of great weather.

Great Sunsets

It's incredible how staring into a sunset can make someone feel all lovey-dovey. Maybe it's the spectrum of rainbow colors or the ability to gaze off yonder and dream about the future. Whatever it is, a sunset really gets you in the mood.

Privacy and Service

If you choose to never leave it and spend the weekend just the two of you, you will be in bliss. Check out the villas at the Banyan Tree Mayakoba -- each one has it's own private swimming pool and outdoor hottub with no one around but you, your honey and some chirping birds. The villas are so secluded that you can swim in the buff and luxuriate in the hottub together. They will even have a dinner cooked for you in your villa or send a masseuse to you, so you don't have to leave at all. Or you can check out a suite at the Seven Stars resort in Turks and Caicos which seems like a full service apartment because it has a kitchen with every modern amenity in case you want to cook for each other or have them send in a chef . There is also a large balcony that feels like it's suspended above the turquoise waters of the sea where you can dine al fresco.

Private Pool villa at the Banyan Tree Mayakoba

A romantic getaway would never be complete without a couples massage, especially one right on the beach. If you stay at ta beach resort like the Seven Stars you can request your couples massage on the beach or in an outdoor cabana. They will set you up right on the beach or even under the stars and the two of you can get massages at the same time, even hold hands while you do it. Can you imagine anything more romantic?


You want to choose a hotel that have someone on staff whose primary job is to take care of you and your every desire, especially when it comes to planning romantic activities for you and your sweetie. Check out the romance specialist at the Banyan Tree Mayakoba who is staff at the hotel and will plan anything you want. If you have a special request, she will grant it, and if you are clueless but you know you want it to be romantic, she will come up with some ideas for you, like a private dinner for two on a boat around their mangroves or a private scuba trip for two with your own guide.


The spa is always key for romance on a weekend getaway. Choose a hotel that offers couples spa services and one of a kind signature services. At a hotel like the Viceroy Miami, there is a one of a kind spa that resembles a whimsical Alice in Wonderland theme-land; it's truly magical. There are multiple co-ed hot and cold soaking tubs, a killer view of the water and the two of you can luxuriate together staring up at the stars. Plus they offer exercise classes like Zumba, Yoga and Pilates that you can do together.

Spa at the Viceroy Miami
Outdoor Dining

When you are on vacation, dining under the stars is always a great way to set the mood. Your lady will be in a sexy cocktail dress, the wind will be blowing in her hair and the stars will reflect off her skin. Better yet if you can find a place for outdoor dining that has live music so you can also dance the night away, that will be the optimal romantic evening. Go ahead and try the Deck at the in Turks and Caicos. They have live music nightly, a great menu where you can try the islands specialities which are conch and local lobster. And then you can dance under the moonlight to one of their live singers. Feels like paradise.

The Deck, outdoor dining at the Seven Stars resort, Turks and Caicos
Have Fun

Sometimes the most important ingredient for a romantic weekend getaway is to connect with each other over silly things, act like playful children and just have some fun. Whether it's snorkeling on the barrier reef in Turks or bicycling around the Playa del Carmen or shopping for gifts for each other in Miami, just make sure you inject some fun into your romantic weekend and then it will be perfect.

For more Huffington Post articles by Samantha Daniels, please click here

How to Prep Your Place For Valentine's Day (Republished From NY Daily News)


Friday, February 10th 2012, 1:36 PM

Valentine’s Day is around the corner. Why shouldn’t you do all you can to help your hookup potential, even if the date is with the old ball and chain? New York City neighborhoods and home decor can help much more than any silly wingman.

The right city streets can be the perfect place for a kiss. But you’ll need more romantic savoir-faire than that. Prepping your home for love doesn’t have to be a chore, nor does it have to be expensive.

New York and Los Angeles-based matchmaker Samantha Daniels (at left, BRYAN SMITH FOR NEW YORK DAILY NEWS), who founded Samantha’s Table, has put together 125 marriages in a decade. She believes a person’s feelings for their home should mirror those they have in the “right” relationship.

“How you feel in your home should be similar to how you feel in a relationship with that perfect person,” says Daniels, a former divorce lawyer who was the model for the NBC dramedy “Miss Match,” starring Alicia Silverstone. “You can tell right away when you walk into someone’s house if they’re ready or not for something serious. If it’s messy or has decorations done by an ex, well that’s a red flag.”

Daniels says you can prep your home for a hot date or set the mood for love with art, furniture and the right props.

“Whether you are male or female, your home can be the perfect place to evoke a little romance by adding touches of warmth, and interesting home decor pieces that are personal to you,” she says. “These days, there are many home- decor items that can style your home while, at the same time, evoke a sense of love.”

As we approach Valentine’s Day, here are 10 tips from the matchmaker for creating the right mood in your home:

Lighting first. Dimming lights is so yesterday. Make sure that lighting creates the perfect romantic glow so that the two of you can get into the mood. Use a portable fireplace to evoke that romantic feeling. Empire ­Tabletop Fireplace, $99.99, www.any­

Candles are warm. Lanterns are hot. These days you can find items that will let you incorporate candles into your home decor and be available all the time. Try placing candles in a great lantern or candleholder, like the Mini Mogador pair of stainless lanterns, $24,

Romance smells good. A person’s olfactory sense will identify a pleasing sense and translate that into a romantic feeling. Think about a stylish Scentilizer masking your gym bag stink with something lovely, like Sweet Orange or Peppermint. The Lantern Scentilizer, $129.99,

Flowers work, but faux works forever. Flowers are always romantic, but a lot of women feel a sense of loss when they wilt quickly. Why not try faux flowers that you can keep permanently which give off the smell of your choice, continuosly? Hervé Gambs Purple orchid, $49;

Yes to wine — bigger yes to a wine caddy. Sipping a glass of wine can turn the mood from casual to romantic. In your home, it’s important to have a stylish place to set out that vino. Try a hardwood tray or a hand-crafted wine spinner to create that great look of romance. Dog Wine Bottle holder, $79,

Moisturize it — a hands-on approach. It’s surprising how hand products can actually help someone get into “the mood.” Try Tarocco Sicilian blood orange wash and moisturizer, $28,

Cuddle in comfort. Sometimes cuddling can be more romantic than “sealing the deal.” Make sure you have a scrumptious throw on your sofa in case the two of you get cozy. Chocolate channel throw, $150,

Music man or woman. Nothing works better than this. Make sure you have a great selection on your iTunes. I like Bruno Mars or Michael Bublé. Don’t knock it till you try it.

Just in case, more than clean sheets. If your evening takes you into your bedroom, it’s key to luxuriate in luscious sheets. Try a set of high-thread-count sheets to feel like you are lying on a cloud. A 400-thread-count cotton sateen hotel collection double sheet is $79;

Go with a classic, chocolate. Sometimes romance can come from connecting over the silliest of things. Why not make some ­Popsicles together and cover them with the best ­aphrodisiac out there, chocolate? Zoku Chocolate Station, $19.95;


How to Date a Wall Street Man

(republished from CNBC blog 2012)

Published: Tuesday, 7 Feb 2012 | 1:14 PM ET
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By: Samantha Daniels
Professional Matchmaker and Dating Expert, Founder and President of Samantha’s Table Matchmaking
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As a professional matchmaker with an office in New York City, many of my clients are very successful, high profile Wall Street men.
I have spent the better part of 12 years learning all of their habits, their likes and dislikes when it comes to dating, women and relationships and what they want specifically from me, when I am matching them with women.
Hence, I know, better than anyone, what makes Wall Street men tick.
Here are a few tips for the women out there who are dating or would like to be dating a man on Wall Street:
1. Be prepared to charm him out of talking about work when he first arrives to the date. Unfortunately, a lot of guys on Wall Street have a hard time leaving work at the office; it’s your job to get his mind on you and off theS & P.
2. Learn a little something about the financial markets and notice if something huge happens on a given day, negative or positive. Things like the fact that Facebook is going public is not just financial news, it’s world news and you don’t want to seem clueless if you completely missed something like that. You don’t have to become an expert but at least if you know something you can participate in a conversation with your guy. Additionally, you need to be prepared that the volatility of the markets might make your guy’s mood unpredictable, especially on a day that his personal portfolio went down dramatically.
3. While a Wall Street man tends to like a little bit of a challenge when it comes to dating, he still likes things to be convenient and easy for him. A lot of women think that if they play hard to get, they will land a Wall Street man. This is NOT the case. Yes, you should be confident and avoid being a pushover but, at the same time, you shouldn’t be difficult. You need to be accommodating or his schedule and time constraints or he will get frustrated and find another woman.
4. Tell stories that are short and sweet because the mind of a Wall Street man is always moving so rapidly and focusing on so many different things that his attention span for social stories is very short; don’t be insulted by this, just tell your stories in a way that he can listen. Save your long, draw-out stories for chit-chatting with your girlfriends.

Samantha Daniels Professional Matchmaker
Samantha's Table

5. Be sexy. Wall Street men tend to like women who are attractive and that other men notice when they walk in the room. This does not mean that you should look sleazy or inappropriate, this just means that you should bring your “A game” when you go out with him, whatever that is. Every man is attracted to a different look and a different type of woman so if he’s interested in you, he’s attracted to you but you need to maintain his interest by continuing to look your best.
6. Don’t get upset if he checks his BlackBerry or takes a call during a date; this is very common of a Wall Street man and has nothing to do with whether or not he likes you. The advice that I give Wall Street men about their need to bring business onto the date is that they should forewarn you when they first sit down that a call or a message is coming and apologize in advance.  Albeit the fact that this would be an easy thing to do, they won’t always remember to do it, so don’t get offended.
7. Don’t get upset if your Wall Street guy isn’t as romantic as you would like him to be. Men, by nature are never as romantic as women want them to be, but Wall Street men especially are very business-like and think practically not romantically. If you want him to be more romantic, you are probably going to have to lead the way, and teach him what you want.

8. Wall Street men tend to be attracted to women who are in industries other than Wall Street. This does not mean that if you work on Wall Street, you won’t end up with a Wall Street man, however his eye tends to be looking towards non-Wall Street women. Hence, if you are a Wall Street woman and you are interested in dating a Wall Street man, you need to make sure that you let him and others see that you are not all business all the time, that you have a soft, feminine, family-oriented and fun side when you are not in the office.
9. When it comes to getting you a gift, a lot of Wall Street men are all about extravagance over thoughtfulness. If you are a decadent woman, this will work well for you, but if you are a woman who prefers a man to be thoughtful over spending lavishly on something you don’t really want, you might be disappointed. This does not mean that a Wall Street man can’t be thoughtful, many are. However, a lot of Wall Street men are so busy making lots of money, that when they think to buy you something, they don’t care about the cost as long as it’s easy to get for you.
10. Don’t get upset if your plans get scheduled by his assistant. Even though, it is dating 101 for a man to pick up the phone and call you for a date or in this day and age to text you for one, many Wall Street men are so reliant on their assistants that they prefer to have you on their schedule just like a business meeting. Do not take offense to this; this does not mean that he likes you all the less, it just means that he likes to be organized and efficient and his assistant helps him accomplish this.
Samantha Daniels owns a bicoastal matchmaking service called Samantha's Table. She is ivy league educated and a former divorce attorney by trade. She is frequently relied upon dating, relationship and romance expert, and is seen regularly on television, in national newspapers and magazines and on radio. She has been a national spokesperson for a number of consumer brands including Crest, Oral B and Febreze. She was also the inspiration for and a producer on the NBC/Darren Star dramedy, Miss Match starring Alicia Silverstone, the show was based on her life story. She is the author of the book, Matchbook: The Diary of a Modern-Day Matchmaker (Simon &  Schuster).
© 2012

Celebuzz- Katy Perry needs to jump right back into Dating

Exclusive: Matchmaker Says Katy Perry ‘Needs to Jump Right Back into Dating’

2 hours ago

Following a whirlwind romance and marriage, Russell Brand filed for divorce from singer Katy Perry ending their 14 month marriage, but it seems Katy isn’t sitting around feeling sorry for herself. Just days after the announcement, Katy was reportedly partying the night away with friends at LA’s Soho House — and chatting up a few guys at the exclusive hotspot!
Although Katy appears to be moving on quickly, celebrity matchmaker Samantha Daniels believes the “Fireworks” singer needs to move on and immediately jump back into the dating game. “I always think it’s good to jump right back into dating so that a newly single person can realize that there are other people out there to be with, when the time is right,” Daniels told Celebuzz.
What advice would you give Katy, if she came to you looking for love?
“I would say, ‘Think about being with someone who is outside of the entertainment industry but who is successful in his own right as well.’ Sometimes when two people are in the spotlight, there is too much competition; it might be better to choose a lower-key man who will be happy letting her get all the attention… She needs a non-celebrity, successful man who is secure in himself and is happy to let her have the spotlight. He would be very mature to ground her a bit, and he would also be protective of her so she will feel loved.”

From what you can tell, why didn’t she and Russell Brand work out? 
“Perhaps their personalities were too similar, and they both needed too much attention. Additionally, they didn’t know each other very long before they got married so they didn’t really have the time to learn about each other and grow the relationship together.”
What can Katy learn from her marriage to take into her new dating life?
“Relationships are hard work, so you need to really focus and make it a priority regardless of what is going on in one’s career. Sometimes it’s better to take things slowly so you can figure out what really works. A good relationship rule of the thumb is to be with someone all four seasons (winter, spring, summer and fall) before you decide if the relationship is for keeps.”
Overall in your business, what is the #1 dating mistake women make when re-entering the dating world?
They jump into the first relationship that comes their way because they don’t want to be alone instead of taking the time to date, get to know people and choose the “right one.”
Samantha Daniels is a Celebrity Matchmaker and the president and founder of the bicoastal company,Samantha’s Table Matchmaking.

Samantha's Dating Ponder-How Do You Know When Your Relationship is Exclusive?

There comes a crossroads in every relationship when it is time to make things exclusive; just you and your partner. How do you make that move though? It is a bold and often scary step, especially for men, to commit to just one relationship. In order to set the record straight with out any awkwardness, you need to communicate with each other. It may happen one day when one of you plans it out or it may just be a sudden urge you feel when you look at someone and realize you really care about them and don't want them seeing anyone else. Be careful not to assume that just because you have stopped seeing other people does not mean that your partner has stopped seeing other people, which is why the exclusivity of your relationship needs to be communicated. Don't rush it; if things have been going well for a month or two, then  go ahead and bring it up when you feel comfortable. If talked about too soon, you may ruin whatever budding relationship is forming and scare your partner away. As long as you communicate and take things nice and easy, you will avoid any awkward conversations and get what you really want out of your new relationship.

Samantha's Dating Ponder-How Would You Define Dating?

Often times I will hear people say "I used to date him/her, " but what do they mean by this phrase? Did they go on a few dates with that person a long time ago or were they actually  "boyfriend/girlfriend"? How do you define dating? Many people seem to think that if they went on a few dates with someone, they dated them and then if they were more serious and spent more concentrated time, they were boyfriend, girlfriend. However, to me, I think that if you went out a few times with someone then you went "on a few dates with them" and if you dated someone that means you had "something" real with them, they were a special someone to you. I guess it's semantics but I would find it odd if a guy with whom I went on one date told people we dated. Don't you agree? What's your definition of dating??

Samantha's Dating Ponder-Shedding for the Wedding

Every bride dreams of their wedding day; the perfect venue, the perfect hair, the perfect dress. Even grooms envision their big day and happily ever after. And more often than not, people go on crazy diets to fit into the perfect dress/tux. They go on crash diets, eat unusual foods and start to act and do things they wouldn't normally do. How do these new behaviors effect the big day? What do we really think of "shedding for the wedding?"  The new tendencies could carry into the new marriage and then the person your partner with whom you fell in love could be completely different. It is important to stay true to yourself so that your marriage and love will flourish. Even though you may be trying to shed for the one big day, make sure you don't shed your true emotions and personality in the process.

Samantha's Dating Thought-Add More Fun to Date Night!

Tired of the same old date night at a local restaurant? Well, head to a comedy club instead! Whether you prefer improvisations or stand-up comedy, there is something for all personalities to enjoy. Comedy clubs usually serve dinner and can provide a more intimate setting between you and your beau because you will be sharing many laughs and whispering about how funny the performances are. If you want to plan ahead, do some research and see when your favorite comedians are in town. Most comedy clubs feature large tables so gather your old friends to share a great time had by all! You and your honey will be sure to remember all the laughs you shared which, in turn, will strengthen your relationship and improve your bond with each other.

Samantha's Dating Ponder-For Better or For Worse?

The two of you have been in a relationship for an extended period of time. The love is definitely there. So will getting married after a long term relationship change things for the better or for the worse? It is important for couples who have been together for so long to discuss the way their relationship is and how it may change once they walk down the aisle. Important topics such as money, kids and family should be discussed. And make sure to keep the sex alive once you say "I do!"

One celebrity couple finally decided to take the plunge this week. Six years and six kids later, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have finally decided to tie the knot. Many sources say the two finally decided to start planning a wedding now that the kids are older and keep asking them about marriage. But will it work? What do you think? Will Brad and Angelina's perfect Hollywood family finally be complete?