Why Hasn't Jennifer Aniston Tied The Knot Yet?

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux have been engaged going on 18 months… so, why haven’t they tied the knot yet?

The rumor mill says that the impasse is due to the amount of time they’ve spent apart since their engagement and also due to stressful wedding planning. The media reports that they are on the verge of breaking up… until they are spotted on a date looking as in love as ever.

They are on again, off again, on again and meanwhile, no wedding bells.

Jen claims she wants to get married again, even have kids so why the hesitation? Time is ticking by.

Here are some things I wonder...

  • Does she still compare every guy to Brad Pitt, and Justin doesn’t measure up?
  • Maybe she doesn’t really want to get married and just says that.
  • Maybe she doesn’t really want to be with Justin, but doesn’t want to deal with the negative press of begin single all over again?
  • Maybe she secretly is into someone else?

WHO could that be?

Regardless, don’t you agree that it’s odd that she is still technically single after all this time?

10 Tips For Finding Romance On Halloween

Halloween is a great time of year if you're single and looking for a new romantic interest. Everyone is out and about, in a good mood and ready to have a fun evening. In fact, Halloween might be the best night of the entire year to meet someone and find some lovin', so grab a costume or a mask and get out there. Here are some tips on how to make the most of the evening and meet someone great:
Choose a costume that will
elicit compliments.

1. If you're going to a costume party, you must wear a costume, no matter what; no excuses. If you can't get into the Halloween spirit, chances are that you will not be meeting anyone. (Nobody wants a party pooper!) If you're having a really hard time, think of your costume as a way to get out of your shell and a way to become the person you always wanted to be. Think Clark Kent and Superman. Use your disguise to be daring, bold and flirty.

2. Choose a costume that makes you look and feel great so that you can confidently make the rounds at that party. Choose something that flatters your figure, makes you feel sexy and is fun to wear. Nothing is better than people telling you how great you look, so choose something that will elicit those compliments. Some ideas are a Sexy Fairy, a Foxy Lady or the Queen of the Nile.

3. Don't choose a costume that is over-the-top scary or grotesque. It's one thing to be a vampire or a zombie from The Walking Dead, but it is another thing to have bugs crawling all over you or to be carrying a severed, bloody leg. This is the night to be sexy and interesting, not creepy and awful.

4. Don't choose a costume that is so odd that it will scare people away. If you can't explain your costume in one sentence or less, choose something else. You don't want someone to be curious about what you are, only to be frightened away by your oddness. Examples of some no-no's are Pregnant Tinkerbell or a Wet Shirt Lady.

5. If you are stumped on an original costume, go with a play on words. A play on words costume is a great conversation starter, as people have to walk up to you and ask you what you are, and you can flirt with them while they try to guess. Some examples of good one are a Cat Burglar, Chick Magnet, White on Rice, Cereal Killer or Spice Rack.

6. Don't choose a costume that requires you to be with a pack of people all night to pull it off. You do not want to be the whole bag of M&Ms or the cast of Glee because you will spend the whole night parading around with the group instead of meeting someone new.

7. If you're looking for an excuse to approach someone who you want to meet, just compliment their costume. Everyone loves to be told that their costume is awesome. Use this to your advantage and march on up to that cutie and say you love his disguise. You will have him eating out the palm of your hand.

8. Choose a party that is not too large and crowded. It's tempting to go to the party that is boasting a 1,500-person turnout with an all-night open bar and a celebrity DJ, but that will only be a see and be seen party. Choose something a little more intimate so you can meet someone and actually get to know them.

9. Pace yourself with your drinking. It's okay to lose your inhibitions a little bit, but it is not okay to lose your mind completely. People sometimes stir up a little mischief on Halloween, so be aware and be alert. Never leave your drink alone when you head to the dance floor.

10. If you are interested in someone, get their email or cell number early on so they don't disappear in the sea of costumes. It's hard to keep track of people at a Halloween party because people get camouflaged by all the costumes. So, if you are interested, exchange digits quickly, so you can be in touch come November.

Splitting The Cost Of The Engagement Ring: Would You Do It?

Would you split the cost of an engagement ring? I chimed in about going dutch on the ring in this piece by Lilit Marcus on Today.com. Here's an excerpt:

Samantha Daniels, professional matchmaker and founder of Samantha's Table Matchmaking, has noticed more couples paying jointly for a ring.

“Today, because both the man and woman earn money and contribute to the financials and the decision-making, it’s not surprising that both of them are involved in all aspects [of choosing and paying for the ring],” she told TODAY.com. “I think it makes for a better connection between the two people.”

Read the full article here. 

10 Types of Women That Men Do Not Want to Marry

(Originally appeared on The Huffington Post on April 15, 2013.)

I recently wrote an article here on Huffington Post Women entitled 10 Types of Men Who Won't Marry You and in response to it, I have gotten over 1,000 comments as well as endless emails asking me why I hadn't written a similar list of types of women. As a result, I have created such a list here, using the opinions that I have heard from tens of thousands of men during my years working as a matchmaker. The fact is, if you are a woman and you want to get married, you need to be smart about your dating. This means avoiding certain male types, but it also means recognizing what you are doing wrong in your dating and whether the type of woman you are putting out there to the male population attracts or repels them. To figure this out, you can start by considering the list below and whether you, at times, are any of these quite unattractive female types:

Miss "Bossy Pants": This woman usually can't help herself; she has bossy in her DNA. When a man first meets her, he might think this character trait is cute, for awhile. However, once he starts to feel like he is in grammar school being told what to do by his second grade teacher, he will give this woman her walking papers.

Miss "Playing Games With His Heart": This woman thinks that being a game player will help herland a man. However, even though a man might be intrigued by a hard to get lady in the beginning, as soon as he decides that he is interested in her, all he wants is an honest straightshooter. If this woman doesn't remove Battleship from her repertoire quite quickly, she will be shown the door before she can evensink his vessel.

Miss "I Want To Change You": This woman is lurking everywhere. She is the type of woman many men are the most leery of. (Of course, there are some men who love this woman because of their own insecurities.) She claims that she loves her guy just the way he is, but little by little, she chips away at just about everything about him. First, it's his wardrobe, then it's his taste in music. However, when she gets to his friends and his hobbies, she is usually kicked to the curb.

Miss "Suspiciously Jealous": This woman is on edge all the time because she is very distrusting. Many times, she has been burnt in the past, so she is on guard for anything that looks or feels wrong. When a man first meets this woman, he sees her as a damsel in distress and wants to reassure her that he is nothing like that guy in her past. However, once she accuses him one too many times, he will have no choice to leave her because he can't go through his life being prosecuted for somebody else's crimes.

Miss "I Live For You And I Have Nothing Else Going On": This woman is very difficult for a man to date, let alone marry. At first, he is flattered that she is so into him, but very quickly, he feels overwhelmed and suffocated by her. As a woman, you must have something going on in your own life so that you are not just waiting by the door for him to come home.

Miss "I Have Daddy Issues": This woman usually dates older men and deep down is looking for a father figure, not a boyfriend or husband. Initially, her guy might like how she looks to him for approval and the answer to all of her questions, but soon, he realizes that he wants to have sex with a real woman, not someone who is stuck in her teen years trying to get Daddy to notice her.

Miss "I Speak To My Mother Five Times A Day About Everything": This woman has her mother on speed dial and can't seem to make a decision or do anything without getting her opinion. When a guy first meets her, he thinks it's nice that she is so close to her family, but soon, he finds it to be way too much. A man just doesn't want to have to ask her mother's permission about things in his life.

Miss "Shhh, I Shouldn't Really Be Saying This, But...": This woman is like a human Page Six. She loves to gossip and talk about other people and she loves to hear things about other people as well. Initially when a guy meets her, he might be entertained by her anecdotes but eventually, he begins to wonder what she is saying behind his back.

Miss "Keeping Up With The Joneses": This woman needs to be at least as good as everyone else she knows. She is constantly talking about what the other people do and what the other people have. This places a lot of undue pressure on her guy and eventually, he justs gets fed up that she can't appreciate what they have instead of wishing she was someone else.

Miss "I Don't Eat": This woman picks at her food, is on a never-ending diet or doesn't eat pretty much everything that most people eat. When a man first meets her, he thinks to himself, at least she will never become overweight, but eventually he realizes that it's no fun to eat alone. The fact is men like to eat; they like steak, they like trying different foods, they like dessert and women should be eating too, at least sometimes.

Keep in mind that most men just want a happy and easy going woman who has good values, so just focus on putting the best YOU out there.

Can you think of any other types of women that are unattractive to men?

Samantha's Dating Thought: Are You Spending Too Much Time With Married Friends?

Are you spending too
much time with your
married friends?

If you're single and looking for love, it's important to put yourself out there in as many situations as possible where you can meet other singles. This means not hanging out with your married friends all of the time.

This does not mean that you have to kick all of your married friends out of your life. However, it does mean that you should not be spending your Friday nights dining in with them.

If all of your close friends have already gotten hitched, you can always ask them to introduce you to any other single friends they may who that are also looking to go out and meet other singles. When you're on the hunt for Mr. Right, it's always a good idea to expand your social circle!

Should You Get Married Or Is Monogamy Enough For You?

(Originally appeared in the Huffington Post on March 18, 2013.)

You have been with your beau for awhile now. You are exclusive, boyfriend and girlfriend, you are known as a couple in your social circle and you might even live together. And all seems copasetic. However, society favors marriage over just being a couple which is why living together without marriage has the old nickname of "living in sin". So how do you know if you are meant to be a happily unwed person forever or if it's time for you to head to the altar? Here are some things to consider when trying to make that decision....

1. Do you personally believe in matrimony? Deep down before you became all modern, did you believe in matrimony and like the idea of marriage? If so, maybe it's time to get back to your roots and take the plunge.

2. Will matrimony make you feel safer and more secure in your relationship? After all, marriage is more permanent than just being in a relationship. As easy as it is to get a divorce these days, it still requires some effort to get one. You can't just curse each other out and never speak again like you can if you are in a relationship without the legalities.

3. Is there a reason why you are "living in sin" at the moment? Is it because that was the next step in your relationship trajectory and marriage is next and you have just been lazy, or is it because this is what you and your partner decided was right for both of you? When you ask this question, make sure that the answer is coming from yourself , not your partner.

4. Have you refrained from taking the plunge into matrimony because you are acommitmentphobe and marriage seems so much more permanent than cohabitation? Be honest with yourself about this and if you are just scared sh**less about taking that next step, talk to your partner or to a professional about your fears and maybe you can work through them.

5. Have you hesitated about walking down the aisle out of lack of desire to plan a wedding?
If this is the case and you actually would like to be married, go ahead and elope or just do the ceremony in front of a justice of the peace. Getting married is about the love you have for each other, not the party.

6. Have you stayed away from matrimony because deep down you are not sure that your significant other is the RIGHT significant other for you forever? If this is the real reason why you are "living in sin," maybe it's time to admit this and do something about it, instead of staying in the wrong relationship for even longer than you already have.

7. Are you scared of divorce? Are you one of those people who grew up in a divorced family and swore that when you got married, you would never get divorced? You need to take the pressure off yourself on this. Just because your parents got divorced, doesn't mean history will repeat itself. Stop getting ahead of yourself, and jinxing your relationship. Why not go in thinking positively that you are going to work on your relationship and make it last forever, and then maybe it will.

8. Are you holding yourself, your partner and your relationship to an impossible standard because you grew up with picture-perfect parents? If this is the case, cut yourself a break. Regardless of how you remember your childhood, chances are, your parents' relationship wasn't as perfect as you remember it. All relationships have their ups and downs and relationships take work. If you love the person you are with, go ahead and get married and make your own recipe for your great marriage which might be very different from that of your parents.

9. Are you scared that marriage might ruin your relationship? Don't pay attention to those annoying friends of yours who tell you that "getting married ruined their relationship." This is a lot of nonsense; if their relationship is ruined it's because they ruined it, not because they got a legal document that made them commit to each other.

10. Are you scared that your sex life will suffer or become non-existent if you get married? Your sex life is what you and your partner make of it, irrespective of whether you are married, living together or simply monogamous. You and your partner need to work to make your sex life interesting and fun and then it will not matter what classification you have on your relationship.

What other reasons do you have for not taking the plunge into the marital swimming pool?

10 Types of Men Who Won't Marry You

Have you ever wondered if there are guys out there that simply will not marry you? Are there certain men from whom you should just stay away because chances are, the relationship is going to be an exercise in frustration for you? You are not alone -- many women think about this all the time. And yes, there are certain types of men that you should just plain avoid because if you were playing the odds, the odds say these guys are just not going to seal the deal with you.

Here are 10 types of men that I, as a professional matchmaker, would recommend you steer clear of:

Mr. "Still Hung Up On His Ex": We have all been out with this guy. He says he is over his ex, yet at every turn, he talks about her and compares you to her. Please. He is not over her and until he is over her, he is not marrying you.

Mr. "I Am Not Ready For A Serious Relationship Right Now": This is the guy who dates a lot and then when he gets too close or decides he isn't interested in you, he uses the excuse that he's not ready. The question about this guy is this: Is he really not ready, or is that just a convenient excuse to dump you and avoid the commitment?

Mr. "Bigger Better Deal": You know this guy. He is the one who likes you a lot but is always wondering if there is a better version of you out there, somewhere in the universe. Honestly, do you need to be with the guy who is never going to think that you are good enough to marry?

Mr. "I Hang Out With Guys 15 Years My Junior": This is the guy who is 47 and a CEO of a company or a big-time executive and all of his contemporaries are married, so his BFFs are 25-year-olds and clubbing it. He is out until 3:00 a.m. several nights a week, looking to pick up and then he kids himself into thinking that when a 25-year-old girl says yes to a date with him, it's because he is such a good guy, not because she is dreaming of flying private.

Mr. "Still Trying To Figure Out His Career": If he is 40-plus and having a midlife work crisis, believe me, he is not going to marry you. Men need to be settled in their careers or at least know which direction they are headed on the career front before they can settle down.

Mr. "50-Something And Never Been Married": This guy is lurking everywhere. He is 50-plus and
never married, yet he will swear to you that he is ready. When you ask him why he is still single, he will tell you it's because he hasn't met the right one. Then the question becomes that if he hasn't found her in the hundreds of women he has dated before you, what is going to make you so special that you are going to be his one? Probably nothing.

Mr. "Doesn't Believe In Monogamy": This guy thinks he is very avant-garde progressive, but most people will say he is just looking for an excuse to cheat. Do you really want to be with a guy who tells you upfront that he won't be faithful?

Mr. "All About Me": This guy is all about himself, 24/7, 365 days a year. Sharing your life with someone is hard enough, so do you really want to sign up to be with someone who is so into himself that they will never even notice you, your wants and your desires?

Mr. "My Kids Are The Only Thing I Care About": This guy is a tricky one. When you first meet him, he is endearing because you admire how dedicated he is to his children. You think to yourself that you would like to be with a man who is that responsible. However, then you start to see that he doesn't have any room for you at all because he is only about the kids. If you are going to be with a man with kids, he needs to want to find a place for you, front and center, in his life at least some of the time.

Mr. "Dates Other Women Who Mean Nothing To Him": This guy is really a commitment-phobe in disguise. Why does he need to date women who mean nothing to him if he is dating you and you supposedly mean something to him? You do the math.

What other types of men would you add to this list?

Engaged At 19: Is She Too Young?

The newly engaged couple
Miley Cyrus and The Hunger Games star, Liam Hemsworth announced their engagement today. Hemsworth, who is also young at only 22, popped the question on May 31st with a 3.5 carat Neil Lane diamond ring. 

They met on the set of The Last Song three years ago and have been dating on and off since. Cyrus shot to fame at a very young age and she said he was her ‘first serious boyfriend’.
On the set of The Last Song

They follow a long list of couples in Hollywood who have got engaged around this age. Reese WitherspoonJessica Simpson and LeAnn Rimes got married in their early twenties and all found themselves divorced years later.

Do you think the former Disney star is too young to make such a big commitment?

One Year Anniversary For William And Katherine

William and Kate enjoy their romantic
first  kiss on the balcony of the Palace
On April 29th 2011,  Prince William married his long-term girlfriend, Katherine Middleton at Westminster Abbey in London. Billions of people, all over the world, stayed up late or got up super early, to watch as the English prince finally kissed his bride, who he had been dating for 8 years.

After a year of representing the Royal family worldwide, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have made it to their one-year anniversary. 

But how will the royal couple celebrate such a special occasion? Hopefully with some pregnancy news! 

Sizzling Couple: One Year On

The Happy Couple

Jennifer Aniston spent years being unlucky-in-love after the breakdown of her marriage to Brad Pitt, however now, she seems to have found a lasting relationship. The actress and her boyfriend, Justin Theroux have been going strong for over a year now, and there are constant reports that they are looking to move in together, and to get married.

Do you think Justin and Jennifer make a great couple? Do you think she has finally found her next hubby?

Samantha's Dating Ponder-How Do You Know When Your Relationship is Exclusive?

There comes a crossroads in every relationship when it is time to make things exclusive; just you and your partner. How do you make that move though? It is a bold and often scary step, especially for men, to commit to just one relationship. In order to set the record straight with out any awkwardness, you need to communicate with each other. It may happen one day when one of you plans it out or it may just be a sudden urge you feel when you look at someone and realize you really care about them and don't want them seeing anyone else. Be careful not to assume that just because you have stopped seeing other people does not mean that your partner has stopped seeing other people, which is why the exclusivity of your relationship needs to be communicated. Don't rush it; if things have been going well for a month or two, then  go ahead and bring it up when you feel comfortable. If talked about too soon, you may ruin whatever budding relationship is forming and scare your partner away. As long as you communicate and take things nice and easy, you will avoid any awkward conversations and get what you really want out of your new relationship.

Samantha's Dating Ponder-Shedding for the Wedding

Every bride dreams of their wedding day; the perfect venue, the perfect hair, the perfect dress. Even grooms envision their big day and happily ever after. And more often than not, people go on crazy diets to fit into the perfect dress/tux. They go on crash diets, eat unusual foods and start to act and do things they wouldn't normally do. How do these new behaviors effect the big day? What do we really think of "shedding for the wedding?"  The new tendencies could carry into the new marriage and then the person your partner with whom you fell in love could be completely different. It is important to stay true to yourself so that your marriage and love will flourish. Even though you may be trying to shed for the one big day, make sure you don't shed your true emotions and personality in the process.

Samantha's Dating Thought-Add More Fun to Date Night!

Tired of the same old date night at a local restaurant? Well, head to a comedy club instead! Whether you prefer improvisations or stand-up comedy, there is something for all personalities to enjoy. Comedy clubs usually serve dinner and can provide a more intimate setting between you and your beau because you will be sharing many laughs and whispering about how funny the performances are. If you want to plan ahead, do some research and see when your favorite comedians are in town. Most comedy clubs feature large tables so gather your old friends to share a great time had by all! You and your honey will be sure to remember all the laughs you shared which, in turn, will strengthen your relationship and improve your bond with each other.

Samantha's Dating Ponder-For Better or For Worse?

The two of you have been in a relationship for an extended period of time. The love is definitely there. So will getting married after a long term relationship change things for the better or for the worse? It is important for couples who have been together for so long to discuss the way their relationship is and how it may change once they walk down the aisle. Important topics such as money, kids and family should be discussed. And make sure to keep the sex alive once you say "I do!"

One celebrity couple finally decided to take the plunge this week. Six years and six kids later, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have finally decided to tie the knot. Many sources say the two finally decided to start planning a wedding now that the kids are older and keep asking them about marriage. But will it work? What do you think? Will Brad and Angelina's perfect Hollywood family finally be complete?

Samantha's Dating Tips-Meeting Your Boyfriend's Ex

Have you ever wondered how it will be, if and when, you meet your boyfriend's ex? Have you wondered the right things to say, the right things to do and how to act?
I am a Professional Matchmaker and here's what I know...
1. You can be nice. Keep in mind that you have him right now, she doesn't, so there is no reason to be snippy.

2. Sizing her up will get you nowhere. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason for chemistry. If you are scratching your head in disbelief that he was into her and now he's into you, don't bother, you will never be able to figure it out.

3. Don't do the old contrast and compare because chances are, this will just make you feel insecure. Just feel confident about who you are and the connection that the two of you are having in the present.

4. If you feel a little jealousy about his connection to her or the fact that another woman knows him as well as you do, that's okay. Feeling jealous and/or insecure is natural, but don't let it send you into a funk and just ride out the evening; it will end soon enough.

5.Be prepared for some reminiscing
and some inside jokes. This does not mean that they have a more special bond than the two of you have; it just means that when they were together, they did have some fun times and are bound to talk about them.

6. Don't get thrown if she is a little snide or tries to act like she knows more about him than you do. Keep in mind that if she dated him for a long time or a longer time than you have, she might in fact know more about him than you do. However, this doesn't matter because you are with him now and as you go forward in the relationship, you will have plenty of time to learn all the things she knows about him and then some.

7. If you are seeing her at an event where your guy's friends might be in attendance, don't get upset if they know her and are nice to her at the party. This does not mean they like her better than you, it just means that they know her and are being courteous.

8. Don't get upset if your boyfriend acts a little weird or odd or different in the situation. Keep in mind that it is very awkward for him to be standing with the girl with whom he is currently having sex and the one with whom he used to have sex.

9. Don't dwell on the situation afterwards or pick a fight. There is no reason to let her affect your current situation with him. The evening has already passed; let bygones be bygones.

10. After seeing them together, if you have any real doubts about whether or not it is truly over between them and/or whether or not, something between the two of you is genuine, make sure to have this discussion with him in a calm and more casual manner. You don't want it to blow up in your face just because you are feeling a little insecure or jealous.

Samantha's Product Pick-- Hair Quick Fix

Tresemme Fresh Start Dry Shampoo

Expert stylists say it is not healthy to wash your hair everyday but sometimes, your hair just needs a little something something! Don't you always seem to have the greasiest hair after a long day of work before your hot date? And of course, there is no time to shower and restyle your hair before hitting the town. Your quick fix? Dry Shampoo. I have tried many but Tresemme Fresh Start Dry Shampoo is definitely my favorite. You get the most product for your money and it can be found in almost any drug store for as cheap as $5! Next time you find yourself stressing before a night out, don't fret. Just make sure to pick up the can made specifically for your hair type and your hair will look rejuvenated and voluminous in no time at all!

Samantha's Dating Thought-Keep the Love Alive

The honeymoon phase in a relationship is always the best time; you and your new flame really open up and get to know each other, enjoy spending all of your time together and rarely get into any altercations. However, it unfortunately doesn't always last. Once couples start dating for the long haul, they can sometimes hit a rough patch. Here are a few tricks to avoid that and keep your marriage or long-term relationship alive:

1.  Romance your honey like you just started dating. Romancing your partner gives you the chance to show him/her how special they are to you. Do something subtle like leave a post-it note in the morning before work simply saying "I love you" or cook their favorite meal. They will be sure to feel appreciated and loved.

2. Make time. Whether you have been together for two years or 20 years, it can be hard to take time out of your busy schedule. However, this is a crucial part of keeping the love alive. Schedule weekly date nights; even if you can't make date night a night out, stay in together and do some of your favorite activities together. Most importantly, always make time to be intimate!

3. Take on new activities. Learning new things together is always a great way to bond with someone special. Take a ballroom dancing class, enroll in a cooking class or photography class. Whatever it is, make sure the two of you agree so you can really enjoy the experience.

4. Pretend that you
just met each other. If you and your beau act like you are still in the honeymoon phase, you will always be excited when you go out on dates. If you ask each other new questions, keep the conversations flowing and continue to open up to each other, you will never get bored.

5. Compliment each other. Compliments always make someone feel extra special, especially in public. Tell the cashier how he/she is the best chef you ever met or introduce your honey as the funniest person in the world. It will really boost their confidence and their love for you, making them feel extra sexy and wanting to get intimate with you when you're not in public anymore.

Samantha's Dating Ponder-Do Different Hobbies Make or Break a Relationship?

It is very rare that you will find someone who has the same exact hobbies that you do. Women love to watch sports just as much as men love to shop. However, different hobbies don't have to ruin your relationship! Being in a relationship is all about compromising and sometimes doing things with your partner even though you may not want to. So, take turns! One weekend you can go to your guy's favorite sporting event and the next weekend you can hit the mall together to pick up that new outfit you've had your eye on. It is important to acknowledge your honey's hobbies and if it is something you really do not want to be apart of, reassure your beau how much you care about them but that it's fune for him to go to the batting cage with the guys or to the newest chick flick with the girls. Sometimes alone time or time with friends will make your together time all the more special. And, as you spend more time with someone, you will find yourself even enjoying some of their hobbies that you might never have enjoyed before!

Samantha's Summer Couple Pick-Celebrity Check-in

Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake

After their split in March, this sexy couple remained on good terms and kept in constant contact. In July, the pair decided that they didn't want to be single and quietly started seeing each other again. However, now that Justin is on tour with sexy co-star, Mila Kunis, promoting their latest film Friends With Benefits, it seems as if Justin and Jessica are back off again and Justin and Mila may be very much on. Justin and his new flame were spotted in London sharing a meal with friends but sat very close to each other and seemed like they thoroughly enjoyed each other's company even though they arrived at the restaurant separately. Where has Jessica been while her ex is touring the world with a hot new flame? She has been in the Hamptons relaxing with some close friends. So what is the truth? Are Justin and Mila a new thing? Or is a just a fling? Looks like we will have to keep an eye on this interesting trio!

Samantha's Summer Couple Pick- Celebrity Check-in

Jennifer Anniston and Justin Theroux

We all watched as this couple slowly took their romance public in June and wondered whether Jen had finally found love after having her heart broken many times, especially after her very public divorce from Brad Pitt after 5 years of marriage. However, it seems like this couple is really sizzling and after just four months together, have been seriously talking about marriage and even starting a family! A close insider said that both Jen and Justin want to start a family sooner rather than later. The couple is moving very fast, but they do seem to have genuine and real feelings for each other? What do you think?